Monday, January 30, 2012


Just like the seasons change in nature, they change in our lives too. Sometimes it's events, or people, or even both. Tragedies, and tribulations are the winters, triumphs, and joy the spring or summer. Some last longer than others, and some are as fleeting as autumn leaves in the breeze. I've always been a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, that there is a purpose behind the events and people who share the seasons of life with us.

Just as the flowers know when it's time for spring bloom, God knows when the time is right for each season in our lives. He knows when we are at our strongest to handle pain and heartache, and He rewards our faith, and perseverance with love, happiness, and hope. I always thought Moe came into my life during a time when I needed him the most, yet looking back, I now realize I was Moe's for the rest of his life not mine, and I made his last five years his best and happiest. God also knew when it was time for Moe to leave me, and He stuck by me even when I hated Him for the darkest season of my life.

Each life season is a milestone, something to reflect upon, and ponder, then store away as memories from which we've learned valuable lessons. Not all are pleasant, some are as bitter and cold as the deepest of winters, others as bright, and sun filled as the days of summer. But every season we live through and share with another/others is a gift no matter how negative or positive. Each season is a gift because in spite of the sadness that comes with the end of something good, or the relief when hardships fade away, every time our seasons change, we have a new opportunity, another chance maybe, for a fresh new start.

Now I'm in a new season, one of hope, and renewal, a new spring filled with great promise and possibilities. I can't foresee the future, nor do I want to. I've finally learned that one of the greatest gifts in life is living it unknowingly, without regrets, or fear of the unknown. I'm learning that living a good life is more about living in the present, navigating my current season day one at a time. Right now, life is pretty damn good.

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