Monday, May 14, 2012

What It Isn't

We all know, understand, and sometimes struggle to accept one of life's most simple truths... It is what it is. But do we really know what "IT" is? I sure as hell don't, but I do know what it ISN'T.

Life isn't fair. At least it seems that way. Not one person in this world can honestly say they have never asked "Why me?".  Why can't I find real true love? Why can't I be rich, successful, smart, funny, pretty, skinny, famous, talented, brave, tall, older, younger, wiser, better.....? Why? Why do loved ones have to die? Why do people have to be so horrible, and evil? Is it a matter of fact, or perspective? Why?

Life isn't easy. From birth we learn how to survive, how to manage, and cope with all the things that we are exposed to on a daily basis. As we grow from infant into children, into teens, into adults, we are constantly learning, gathering knowledge that will sustain us as we venture out on our own. We are bombarded with information almost 24/7, and as technology advances, we find it harder and harder to shut off, much like machines. It's not easy to relax, because we are continuously processing data that allows is to live our lives in the routines we've established. Earning a living, providing for ourselves, and our families, securing food, clothing, and shelter, which are basic needs, but we want the best of what is basic.

Life isn't predictable. The sun will surely rise tomorrow morning, but it might not shine on all of us.  It's human nature to take the familiar for granted. It's so easy to just assume that person will always be there, and we neglect saying the things that need to be said. We think there will always be time to say I love you, thank you, you are wonderful, beautiful, kind, smart, amazing, important to me, I appreciate you..... the list of course is endless. But life isn't.

Life isn't perfect.  But it's as good as you make it. Right now, I'm learning that with the worst comes the best. After the worst time in my life, I'm at the jumping off place where I have the chance to live the best years of my life. I don't know what's in store for me, or even if I'll live to see another day. But each day that I am given, I am going to enjoy, and yes I am going to have those Why Me days, and hard times, and heart aches, and sorrow. But I also know I will have joy, laughter, good times, and love. That's the beauty of imperfection and what it isn't.