Saturday, August 27, 2011

TMI on FB: The Importance of Taking Discretionary Measures.

Facebook, My Space, Twitter, and reality TV. What do they all have in common? They all provide a forum for anyone and everyone to air their dirty laundry, and act like trailer trash idiots with total abandon, and an abysmal lack of self respect. The truly sad part of it all is not just the fame and notoriety they garner, but they get paid handsomely to behave like rabid monkeys in heat. It's not just the MTV, and Jersey Shore generation who has hit the mainstream sans couth, or class. Indiscretion has become an epidemic, world wide TMI, and it's only going to get worse I fear.

I was raised to always be respectful of others, and to always maintain composure in public. True, I do have a very foul mouth, but I know when and where it's ok, or NOT ok, to drop an F bomb. I try to present a certain image when I'm among my peers. Even though I like to laugh, and joke about the most God awful topics, I still try to behave, not drink too much, or act like a slut. I maintain a certain image not being fake, or to impress anyone, but simply because no one really likes a sloppy drunk slut especially in public.  I know....because I've been one... in public

IN PUBLIC. Perhaps the root cause of this problem of total disregard for discretion, and couth stems from today's society's perception of what encompasses IN PUBLIC. In my younger days, public was anywhere outside the four walls of your house. Of course, that was before the Internet. Before the technological wonder of the information super highway redefined PUBLIC, bringing what was once considered the outside world, into our homes, purses, and pockets, virtually linking us to the global public 24/7.

Just because you are sitting in the privacy of your own home while you surf the net, and stalk peeps on FB, while tweeting, and texting, doesn't mean you are alone. Technology has taken us beyond the boundaries of basic decency, because we've allowed it to take control of how we communicate with others, and as a society in general. It seems to much easier to vent our angst, frustrations, share our joys and sorrows via social networks, because it removes the possible awkwardnness, and discomfort of face to face interactions, and probable confrontations. While there is nothing wrong with posting prayer requests, or letting the world know what great kids, husbands, wives, etc. you have, or asking friends for advice, and support, inspite of the widespread tolerance and acceptance of anything goes, let it all hang out point of view, some things are best left OFF the world wide web. There are just some things that do NOT need to be made common, public knowledge, and they damn sure don't belong on anyone's Facebook wall.

So, before you click that tab marked "SHARE", stop and ask yourself if it's something you would find appropriate for the majority of your friends and family to read, and consider just how it makes you look to have commnets regarding your sex life, relationship drama, anatomical descriptions, and/or bodily functions splattered across your wall page for God and everybody to view. Just because you find it amusing, or think there is nothing wrong with revealing and sharing the most intimate, gory details of your own, or even a friend or foe's most embarassing blunders, or intesnsely taboo issues, doesn't mean everyone else does too. Most of us don't really care to hear all about anyone else's sexual exploits, drunken debauchery, or random acts of stupidity, unless we know and hate them too, and can relish their embarassment, and shame. Other than that, just use this as your rule of thumb when posting on your wall. If you wouldn't want your kids or mama to read it, nor would you want someone to post those sorts of comments about you, then save it for private, in person discussions, confession, or just take it to your grave. Because in all honestly, obviously you've mistaken me, and who knows who many other people for someone who really give a shit.

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