Thursday, September 29, 2011

Don't Say What You Don't Mean

We are all guilty of uttering trite remarks and sayings that sound great, but hold little or no value. When you tell someone, "It was great to see you, we need to get together more often," you both know it will be eons before you ever lays eyes on each other again. It's just common decency to tell a friend or relative experiencing rough times, "Call me if you need anything." "Let me know if I can help." Even though it sounds good, and you think it's comforting to show your support, those words are about as useless as tits on a boar hog if you don't sincerely mean them.

I've been made keenly aware of who I can and can't depend on amongst my circle of friends and family since my husband died almost 18 moths ago. I'm not saying that in a mean, or malicious way, I'm just saying, I know who truly means it, and who is just making noise with syllables. I realize each and every situation is different and merits distinctive handling. I totally understand when someone has previous engagements, or obligations of far greater priority and importance, and any effort is very appreciated on my part.  But, after really thinking and deeply reflecting on several events and interactions over the span of this past year, I think I'm going to just have to step up and call some of the worst offenders of saying what you don't mean out, and see what happens.

Alright now, ya'll can't say ya'll weren't fore warned, and if even the idea of what I'm about to say makes you uncomfortable, you are going to be one of the first ones, I bust in the ass with my experiment. See, from now on when you tell me to call you if I need anything, or promise to be there when I'm in trouble or need a favor, I'm going to make sure I need you and I will call you. If you tell me you are going to do something for me, I'm going to bird dog you till it's done.

But wait it gets even better.See, from now on,  when you give me an excuse, or reason why you can't help me, or fulfill your promise, I'm going to write it down, and remind you of it every time you say what you don't mean. Every time I hear you say "Holler if you need me," or " Let me know if I can do anything," I'm going to say out loud in front of God and anybody, "That's a load of crap, he/she doesn't mean a word of it. I called him/her three times when I was in a bind and they didn't do diddly damn to help me." That's right, I'm going to either break some dogs from sucking eggs, or I'm going to have a lot fewer friends. But, in the long run, the friends I will have left will be the ones I KNOW I can call when I really do need some help.

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