Monday, May 23, 2011

Welcome to My World View....Nancyisms!

Ok, here it is... my much awaited blog page! Welcome aboard, fasten your seatbelts, and prepare to hear the gospel according to your's truly. While I try to be considerate, and respectful of other's personal preferences, beliefs, political leanings, and delicate sensibilities, this is my damn page, and I'm going to tell it like I believe it should be told. If you are politically correct, extremely religious, easily offended, or like to nitpick over trivial crap, then don't read my blog. Comments are welcome, including constructive criticism, but if I don't like what you say I will delete's MY page, and I can do that. Racist, incendiary, hateful, excessively crude, and outright nasty comments and remarks will not be tolerated, and not only will you be deleted and blocked, you will earn a spot on my Class A Assholes list, which will be published regularly.

While I can't imagine ever running out of topics to discuss, I encourage my readers to make suggestions, ask questions, and offer information/research on any topic near and dear to their heart. I'm fairly open minded, but will draw the line, just not sure exactly where as I have yet to reach my "opinion limit".

I must admit I am excited, and I don't know just how often I will post, so for right now I'll commit to once a week. If I have time, and see the need, I will post bi-weekly. To start I'm just going to play it by ear, since it's quite possible that no one really gives a shit about anything I have to say, although I honestly find that hard to believe because there has to be others out there who out of sheer boredom, and lack of social skills, will read anything in order to interact with other human beings. So my peeps, spread the word, tell your friends, block the kiddies (I do think censorship is a parental right up to a certain age), and be ready for anything, as Nancyisms has been unleashed on a largely unsuspecting world.
Nancy McGehee Guillory

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