Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Being Good at Being Bad....

I intensely dislike, nor do I trust,  perpetually cheerful, self righteous, pious, or overly polite people. It's not normal, not to mention aggravating, to be all sunshine and rainbows all the damn time. It's unnatural, and in some instances, unholy.  Nothing is more frightening than that person who oozes charm and poise even in the most unnerving situations, their fake ass smile beaming brightly in an attempt to quell panic, or ease tension.  It just makes me want to slap the living shit out of them.

All humans have a dark side, and I realize mine has a tendency to be just a smidge darker than most, and I'm okay with that. Honestly, I sometimes enjoy the hell out of it. It can be quite fun, and useful when someone truly deserves to experience it.  Of course not everyone can maintain a healthy balance between their light and dark sides, leading to much of the violence, and evil in this world, but there are those who cannot even acknowledge the less savory side of their own nature, much less in others. When you hear someone say, "Why I would never act like that!", nine times out of ten that is just a damn lie. Not a soul on this earth hasn't had a moment in life when they desperately wanted to yank that Pollyanna stick out of their butt and knock somebody's ass off with it! True, it's not always prudent to act on emotion, although as a result of doing so, it's often possible to come out better asking forgiveness instead of permission. When you think about it, what idiot in their right mind, no matter how much they've provoked it, and deserve it, is going to say, "Oh please cuss, and beat me like the dirty, sorry bastard I am!"

Now, I'm not advocating total anarchy here, or losing all control, I'm trying to make the point that it's important to KNOW your dark side, because when you embrace that aspect of your nature, you know your limits, and where you need to draw the line. When you are fully aware of just how ruthless, ugly, and hateful you can truly behave, it's easier to rein that in when you most need to. If you just skip through life blowing sugar coated BS up your behind and everyone else's, you're going to experience a great deal of disappointment in yourself and others. By accepting that we all have an evil inner twin, and tempering that with the goodness, and warmth of our humanity, (of course there are some who only project a facade of goodness and warmth... beware!), we are capable of managing an even keel between the two. It's a matter of self truth, and being honest about who you truly are, because faking sweetness and light can only last for so long, and eventually your true nature will shine through, and no amount of niceness will cover up just what a shit you really are.

In general I sincerely believe the majority of humanity is inherently good, and that good will always triumph over evil. I believe that even in the darkest hour, even the weakest among us can prevail through the good will of our fellow mankind. The reality is,  that while none of us are perfectly good, some of us are good at being bad, some are bad at being good, some are better at being good, and a small portion is just evil to their core. I do think religion plays a role in making us behave better than some, and more so than others, but when you get down to it, it really is up to the individual, as to how bad or good, one honestly cares to be.

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