Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Blessings in Disguise

Tomorrow marks the start of the holiday season, and a time of year I once looked forward to. Now, it simply means I have to avoid the mall crowds unless I care to risk serving jail time. Tomorrow is also a national day of Thanksgiving, a day originated by our forefathers who suffered way more than most of us ever will, and appreciated simplicity. Of course life was much simpler then, much harsher, and although progress and technology have improved one's chances of survival, and longevity, life is still a fragile gift that can be lost in the blink of an eye.

Loss is something we have all felt and dealt with, some more than others, and not always through death. Some of us may mourn not for loved ones, but perhaps a job, or foreclosed home, a friendship ended by betrayal, a broken marriage, or for some sense of self,  spirit,  or peace of mind that is lost or forgotten. When we suffer, we lose sight of our gratitude, and we can't see the simple things that bless our lives when our hearts are darkened by despair. This is why it's important to search down deep and find what I call blessings in disguise.

Blessings don't always present themselves positively, or instantly. Sometimes it takes a while for certain blessings to be revealed, and can be born of tragedy, and heartache. I guess it's cliche' to refer to the glass half empty/full mentality here, but that is a major part of recognizing a disguised blessing. Throughout my life my glass has been both half full, and empty, and at times overflowing and left with nothing but dregs at the bottom. Now, I've finally reached that place in my life where my glass  doesn't have to be half full or empty, just as long as there Maker's Mark in it I'm good. Not saying good bourbon has helped me find my disguised blessings, but it hasn't hindered me either.

I'm sure you are now wondering just what the hell is a disguised blessing, and how do you find them, or recognize them.  Well, I can't really tell you anything specific, because blessings are usually created through individual circumstance, and don't always come to light immediately. But, you have to open your heart, and mind to the possibility of something good coming from something bad. That the negative can have a positive, the balance of good versus evil. My personal example is I found out who my true friends are when my husband died very unexpectedly a couple of years ago. Knowing I had trustworthy friends I could depend on when I needed them most was a huge blessing.  Stop and think about your own, or someone you know, similar situation and I bet you will discover some small blessing in there somewhere.

So, if you are blessed to have family and friends to share Thanksgiving with, or even if you are alone, just stop and remember there is always something to be thankful for, even if it's not right in front of you. Remember that tomorrow isn't promised, and that everything and everyone we take for granted or under appreciate, disregard, and/or overlook today, may just be that disguised blessing you've been waiting, hoping, and searching for.

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