Thursday, December 1, 2011


It's a free country, therefore we are all at liberty to express our beliefs and opinions openly without fear of retribution, unless you have the gall to wish anyone Merry Christmas.  I don't think any other phrase as been more demonized by the politically correct, than Merry Christmas. Saying F**k on TV is more acceptable than wishing someone Merry Christmas, these days, which says a lot about the direction our society is headed in.

I don't believe in being out right rude, or disrespectful, but there are plenty of other issues that should take a higher priority, than worrying about foisting a "religious connotation" on a possible atheist. If folks were that easily offended, humanity as a whole would have killed itself off centuries ago.  Maybe it's just me, but I can't recall EVER pissing someone off by wishing them Merry Christmas, and I'm sure I've spoken that phrase to several Atheists, Agnostics, Muslims, Buddhists, Jehovah's Witness, Jews, and/or scroodgey assed grumps. I don't get upset when I'm told Happy Hanukkah, or Blessed Kwanzaa, and I'm no fan of Season's Greetings, or Happy Holidays, but I don't get offended when I hear it. I just figure anyone saying it truly believes they are inspiring global unity, or just don't have the balls to say Merry Christmas.

Now I have to admit the commercial aspect of Christmas has gotten so vulgar, I personally find it as offensive as Congress! I think it should be a law that anything smacking of Christmas can not be displayed until the day AFTER Thanksgiving. I'm sure people are smart enough to follow along with the calendar year, and do not to be reminded about Christmas by filling every store with red and green crap before Halloween! Sure it's always beneficial to shop early, but unless it's in reference to someone's sexual activity, I don't care to hear HO HO HO before Gobble Gobble Gobble!

So, I guess what I'm trying to say here is this. Once it's appropriately time to express the seasonal sentiments of the holidays, stop and think before you utter some mealy mouthed PC approved Season's Greetings, or Happy Holidays. Whether or not you believe in the miraculous birth of Christ, you have to admit it's a beautiful story, that over centuries has united enemies, and brought peace where strife once ruled. So, before you negate the phrase to the pits of PC hell, take a deep breath and say right out loud to the next person, friend, foe, or total stranger, MERRY CHRISTMAS! I can pretty much guarantee you will be pleasantly surprised by the response.  After all , I don't think anyone as ever gotten their ass whipped for wishing anyone Merry Christmas, but if you do, well that's what you get for being politically incorrect.

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